Flash Friday: Juliana Buonaiuto

Meet recent marketing graduate and former Kent State University Student Body President, Juliana Buonaiuto. Originally from Long Island, New York, Buonaiuto came to Kent State to study marketing because of her love for the industry.  “I love the business world, but I have a very creative side that marketing allows me to explore,” Buonaiuto said.   Before being student body president for the Undergraduate Student Government, she was the director of communication and marketing and the senator for the Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship. She was also involve...


LaKaleb Bowen, ’24, is a criminology and justice studies major who admits to becoming captivated by Kent State’s education-abroad programs, noting that his most recent trip to Kigali, Rwanda, was an extraordinary experience focused on peace and conflict in the country.Bowen has also completed education-abroad programs in Mexico studying cultural foundations and Colombia studying how the peace process was working in a country that had been ravaged by civil war.The Kigali Summer Institute course was developed and taught by Sarah Schmidt, Ph.D., an instructor in the School of Peace and Conflict S...

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