Beginning fall 2016, Stark State College students with an Associate Degree in Nursing (A.D.N.) and their state license can earn their Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) degree at Kent State University at Stark through an articulation agreement signed this summer. The agreement provides nursing students a seamless transition to Kent State Stark where they will have junior status and priority registration. Additional benefits available to full-time Stark State students include the ability to take one Kent State Stark class free each semester, thereby reducing the number of classes they h...

Kent State University’s Dining Services has partnered with Tapingo to enable students, faculty and staff to order their meals online, pay electronically via their meal plan or credit card and request a pickup time. The service is expected to launch this fall, with a deployment date of Oct. 1. Tapingo will allow Dining Services’ customers to order, pay and pick up their meals, skipping the lines. In addition, Tapingo will provide a service where customers’ orders will be delivered within 30 minutes. Delivery is phase two of the deployment, with the plan to roll out prior to Northeast Ohio’s ...

The Ohio Department of Administrative Services (ODAS) and Kent State University's Center for Public Policy and Health (KSU-CPPH) have released two reports focused on collaborative health insurance purchasing among local governments in Ohio: Resource Guide: Health Insurance Choices for Ohio Public Entities Adapting to the Changing Health Insurance Landscape: A Look at the Use and Effects of Health Benefit Consortia by Public Entities in Ohio The Resource Guide is designed to assist public entities in Ohio in making informed decisions about health benefits they provide for their emp...

Kent State University’s Online Learning Team in the Office of Continuing and Distance Education has earned national recognition for outstanding work in online education. The Association for Educational Communications and Technology presented first- and second-place awards to Kent State for its faculty training courses, “Online Classroom Examples and Ideas: A Showcase Course” and “A Pathway to Excellence: Kent State’s Online Faculty Development Program.” These training courses were designed to assist faculty members who teach online courses. Additionally, Kent State’s Department of Health Po...

Saying goodbye was more difficult than Riley Jernejcic could have ever imagined. Crouched down on the cobblestone street with her arms stretched out from one end to the other, Jernejcic cried out, “Adios. Abrazo,” which means goodbye and hug in Spanish. About 50 feet away, a little boy, known as Wilder, came running up the hill. “He jumped into my arms and we both started to cry,” Jernejcic said. “I’ll never forget him. He made such an impact on my life.” Jernejcic, a junior at Kent State University, is one of 20 Kent State students who dedicated part of the summer to help imp...

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