Familiar Face Mike Farina Senior Accountant Controller's Office Kent Campus JOB DESCRIPTION: My primary responsibility is accounting for the university’s fixed assets, but I also reconcile bank accounts, liability accounts and perform various other tasks within the accounting function. WORKED AT KENT STATE SINCE: June 2010 EMPLOYMENT PRIOR TO KENT STATE UNIVERSITY: I worked as an accountant for Safeway Inc. in Phoenix, Arizona. LIKES MOST ABOUT KENT STATE UNIVERSITY: After receiving two degrees and working full-time on campus for five years, Kent State feels lik...

New Face Kenneth Franklin Kegley Recreation Program Officer Recreation and Wellness Department  Kent State University at Stark JOB DESCRIPTION: Manage student employees; develop intramural sports program; and assist in all areas of fitness, sports and recreation WORKED AT KENT STATE SINCE: July 2015 EMPLOYMENT PRIOR TO KENT STATE UNIVERSITY: High school basketball referee, college basketball referee, and graduate assistant in Campus Recreation at Marshall University LIKES MOST ABOUT KENT STATE UNIVERSITY: I love the people I work with and truly find a ...

Three Kent State University faculty members were honored with the 2016 Outstanding Research and Scholarship Awards at a ceremony that took place on April 5 in University Library. This year’s recipients were selected from a large number of nominees by the University Research Council chaired by Françoise Messardier-Kenney, director of Kent State’s Institute for Applied Linguistics. The recipients are Richard Ferdig, Ph.D., professor of instructional technology; Joel Hughes, Ph.D., professor of psychology; and Polycarp A. Ikuenobe, Ph.D., professor of philosophy. “We’re very proud of the ac...

Kent State University's Center for the Visual Arts brings the School of Art under one roof. The grand opening of the new facility will take place on May 6 at 3 p.m.       ...

The Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU) and Coalition of Urban Serving Universities (USC) have awarded Kent State University a $50,000 microgrant to help remove the financial barrier to graduation that low-income students may face as they near graduation. Kent State is one of only nine public urban research universities chosen through a very competitive process for the grant. The funds are allocated to institutions that are already serving a significant percentage of nontraditional, underrepresented students who are low-income, first-generation, Pell Grant-eligible and ra...

Kent State University’s College of Nursing is collaborating with the Portage County Health Department and the Emergency Management Agency (EMA) to stage a disaster simulation exercise. The Point of Dispensing Exercise, which involves a mock Anthrax release, triage and treatment site, will take place Tuesday, April 12, and Thursday, April 14, from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center. The mock exercise allows the Portage County Health Department and the EMA to test the effectiveness of Portage County’s disaster plan. The event also offers training for Kent State...

Kent State University’s Rotaract Club is holding a children’s book drive during the month of April and is now accepting donations to benefit children in surrounding areas. The club is gathering books in good condition for children from newborn to third grade and will be accepting both new and gently used books. To get involved, drop off your donations at the circulation desk on the first floor of University Library. The club’s goal is to collect 100 books from now through Wednesday, April 20.  Once the books are collected, the Kent State Rotaract Club will assemble bookshelves to...

On Thursday, March 31, LaunchNET Kent State kicked off its five-week Build Your Own Brand series of entrepreneurial workshops specifically crafted for minority students. Build Your Own Brand is a free five-week series where students can learn about and strengthen their entrepreneurial and networking skills and learn how to overcome obstacles that underrepresented minorities face in the workforce and entrepreneurship. Additionally, special speakers, many minority professionals and entrepreneurs, will share their stories and offer advice. Students also will have the chance to compete for a...

The School of Communication Studies’ Communication Graduate Student Association (CGSA) will be participating in this year’s Relay for Life event held at the Kent State Field House. The fundraising event begins Friday, April 29 at 6 p.m. and continues throughout the night until 12 p.m. on Saturday, April 30. “Relay for Life is fighting a disease that everyone in CGSA has been affected by at one point or another,” Nicolle Kovacs, co-captain of the CGSA Relay for Life team, said. “Relay for Life is a big event on campus so we are also looking forward to getting to know the other groups involve...

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