Kent State Sourdough Club

This is a fun, laid back group of students who meet once a month to discuss the sourdough community. We will share how we're succeeding with our sourdough starters, and bring joy to campus by celebrating bread.
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KSU Horror Collective

KSU Horror Collective is a place for anyone who enjoys the horror genre to come together and talk about their passion for the genre. Our goal is to foster a community for horror lovers in a safe environment
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Renee Ellis blog banner photo

In all honesty, Kent State was not my first-choice school, but I am truly thankful that this is the school I attend. I was drawn to the school wanting to be a fashion design major and the fashion design program here is one of the best in the country.Other than Rockwell Hall, I knew little to nothing about Kent State. I am a woman of faith, so I went in with little knowledge and prayed for the best.Before the school year even started, I knew that I needed to prepare myself for a drastic life change. Because college is sometimes seen as an expected next step for high school students, people like...

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