Trevor Walton

"Studying abroad is not just about finishing your credit hours in a foreign country or a résumé builder, but an intrapersonal revelation. It expands students’ horizons and challenges their past biases, beliefs, and life philosophies."

Cityscape of London at sunrise, blue and pink skies, Big Ben, bridge.
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Regent’s University London Fashion Internship, United Kingdom

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Room Size & Configuration

Seating capacity has been determined in accordance with state and city safety regulations. Departments are not to over-enroll students beyond the maximum classroom size. If it appears that student demand will surpass the scheduled room, departments should contact the ASC immediately, before the class grows too large, to determine if alternate space is available. It is unacceptable for students not to have appropriate seating.

Classroom Assignments

Instructors/departments may not move their class, from an assigned room, or override another department's assignment without prior approval from the ASC. All schedule changes affecting class meeting time/days or classroom assignments must be requested via the Section Meeting Time Location (STML) Workflow. Once a room change has been approved, instructors should inform students about the change and encourage any student whose access to the class might be impacted by the change to notify the department as soon as possible.

Classroom Accessibility

Classroom assignments may be changed when the room is determined to be inaccessible for a student or an instructor. Instructors should notify the ASC as soon as they identify any barriers to their own or a student's access to or within a classroom. The ASC will make every effort to relocate the class to an accessible room. The ASC works closely with Student Accessibility Services to ensure that classrooms and classroom locations are fully accessible for disabled students and instructors.

Open Learning

Open learning courses are flexibly scheduled course sections that are offered by an academic department, but do not meet according to the University's established academic terms (or part of term). Open learning courses can be created by departmental schedulers in the Data Collection Utility (DCU) website, but must be created by the ASC once the window for a term's schedule build has closed and the sections have been transferred back to Banner.

Conflict Resolution

Class size and equipment requirements will be determining factors in disputes involving for credit courses. The Academic Scheduling Center will make every attempt to mediate room conflicts and develop a solution. However, in the event that conflicts cannot be resolved at this level, intervention may be necessary by the University Registrar, Deans and/or Provost's Office.


Classroom facilities are designed primarily for use by students, faculty and staff to engage in activities that are directly related to the basic educational functions of teaching, research, and scholarship. Predefined policies have been established to ensure that courses are scheduled in a manner that permits access to available offerings by the greatest number of students, and that allow the most suitable instructional arrangement to meet the needs of the faculty and courses offerings within the existing facilities.

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