Image of tools

Kent State anthropology professor Metin Eren, Ph.D., is an expert on the engineering, techniques and functions of Stone Age weapon technologies and how nomadic hunter-gatherers used them. Eren, a master flint-knapper, has a hands-on approach when teaching students about prehistoric stone tools.  Students immerse themselves in a specially equipped lab in Lowry Hall that features everything from raw materials like flint and wood to a ballistics station to testing machinery you usually see in modern engineering labs. Eren is the founder and co-director of the Kent State University Experiment...

Kent State faculty eligible to participate in Adobe Education Institute

The Adobe Education Institute (AEI), an invitation-only conference for faculty at Adobe Creative Campus institutions, will take place Jun. 10-14, 2024. The AEI offers a series of live, hands-on training sessions where participants will discover ways to deepen student engagement and foster multi-modal teaching using Adobe technology. All sessions will be delivered remotely and recorded for on-demand access. 

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