Fashion photo from Pauline St. Denis

The Thomas Schroth Visiting Artist Series at Kent State University presented a free, public lecture, “Synergy with Fashion and Lifestyle Branding- The Art of Photography Using Imagery and Story to Promote the Product,” by fashion photographer Pauline St. Denis on Wed., April 25 at 10:30 a.m. at Kent State University’s Rockwell Hall.  Read more about St. Denis' lecture, workshops and visit to Kent State University.  About Pauline St. Denis In the vibrant cityscape of New York City, one name stands out in the realm of photography - Pauline St. Denis. An accomplished phot...

Former Ashtabula Campus dean, Dr. Susan Stocker, speaks the dedication event for Susan J. Stocker Hall

 First stepping on campus nearly 40 years ago as a student in the associate degree in nursing program, Susan J. Stocker, Ph.D., established a legacy of service, drive, dedication and leadership to Kent State University at Ashtabula and the community. That legacy is now marked in perpetuity following the formal dedication of Susan J. Stocker Hall.Former colleagues, friends, family, campus supporters, community leaders, local dignitaries and Kent State administrators filled the Blue & Gold Room for the celebratory event on April 12, honoring the campus’s trailblazing former dean and chi...

How to Petition

When to Submit

Students will use the Petition for Exception to Registration Form when requesting registration/schedule adjustment transactions to their class schedule after published University deadlines for the class(es). Access the Detailed Class Search from the Schedule of Classes. After locating the course, click on the "Registration Deadlines" link to determine course-specific dates.

Roles and Obligations


It is the responsibility of the student to fully understand the information presented in the current Kent State University Catalog and to know and observe all policies and procedures of the University. Regulations may not be waived nor exceptions granted because a student pleads ignorance of policies or procedures. Students should make themselves aware of all published University Registration and Withdrawal deadlines.

Quick Tips IMPROVE Series, Part 5: Other Content Types (Links, Files, Images, and Videos)

POSTED: Apr. 19, 2024

Welcome back to Part 5 of our IMPROVE series. We’re on to the letter O in our IMPROVE acronym, which stands for Other Content Types.

Last time, we discussed how to use the Rich Content Editor (RCE) to present textual content within Pages in your Canvas courses. In Part 5, we will expand on embedding other types of content and media.

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