Freda Robinson

Freda Robinson is proof that a college degree is worth the journey – at any age and for as long as it takes....

Student Data Requests (PDF)

The Office of the University Registrar takes the request for the release of a student’s information, whether student directory or non-student directory, very seriously. The Office of the University Registrar will ensure that all provisions of University Policy #5 - 08.101 are followed, as well as, require that requestors understand the implications of non-compliance to securing all student information.

Letter of Recommendation - Non-Current Student (PDF)

Complete this release form to authorize a Kent State University employee access to your education record or other documentation you provide (e.g., resume, curriculum vitae, transcript etc.) for the purpose of constructing a recommendation. This form is not a request to provide a recommendation, but permission to use the content of these records. Each employee should be individually contacted to provide a reference. 

This is for Non-Current students.

Letter of Recommendation - Current Student (FlashLine)

Complete this release form to authorize a Kent State University employee access to your education record or other documentation you provide (e.g., resume, curriculum vitae, transcript etc.) for the purpose of constructing a recommendation. This form is not a request to provide a recommendation, but permission to use the content of these records. Each employee should be individually contacted to provide a reference. 

Access the release on the Student tab under the Requests and Authorizations section in FlashLine.

This is for Current students.

Release of Records of Deceased Students (Dynamic Form)

The Office of the University Registrar will evaluate each request for the release of a transcript or other academic records of a deceased student. They university reserves the right to deny the request in whole or in part. The Office of the University Registrar does not release academic records of decease students to the news media. All media requests are to be submitted to Media Relations at

Late Graduation Application (PDF)

Complete this application if you missed the graduation application deadline.

Log into FlashLine, then click on the Student category, Resources, and access the Late and Reapplication for Graduation Form in the Graduation Section.

If you plan to graduate from more than one program, and from more than one college/campus, you must submit an application to each college or regional campus office.

One Year Option Credit Application - Current Student (Dynamic Form)

This form is used to request an evaluation for a student’s eligibility for Ohio’s One-Year-Option articulation policy. If approved, student will be awarded up to 30 college technical credit hours towards an ATS degree. The industry-recognized credential and transcript of the 600 to 900- hour program of study must be attached.

View ATS Degree Information

Pass, Fail or Audit Grade Request Form - Current Student (Dynamic Form)

Undergraduate students may elect to take certain courses on a pass/fail basis or to audit a course. Students considering one of these options should be aware that some institutions of higher education do not accept transfer credit taken as pass/fail or audit. Students electing to take courses under the pass/fail or audit options should consult their advisor for specific instructions, limitations, and registration procedures.

How Do I Scan a Document Using My Mobile Device?

Instructions for Android Users

How To Scan a document: 

  1. Open the Google Drive app. 
  2. In the bottom right, tap "Add." 
  3. Tap "Scan." 
  4. Take a photo of the document you'd like to scan. "Tap 
    1. Adjust scan area: Tap "Crop." 
    2. Take photo again: Tap "Re-scan current page "
    3. Scan another page: Tap "Add" 
  5. To save the finished document, rename the document and tap "Save" or "Done". 

Add a scanning shortcut to your Home screen:

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