Due to the University limiting on-campus operations in response to Governor Mike DeWine's mandates surrounding COVID-19, all onsite "Know Your Numbers" health screenings during the months of March and April have been cancelled. In addition, we know that routine office screenings and visits will also be highly limited as the healthcare system focuses on those affected by the virus. With these factors in mind,Employee Wellness has extended the Wellness Your Way Tier 1 deadline to June 30.
To accommodate those employees still working on Tier 1, we have added 3 new onsite screening datesin June:
- Tuesday, June 9
- Thursday, June 25
- Tuesday, June 30
"Know Your Numbers" screenings are provided by our wellness partner, Be Well Solutions, and are available to full-time, benefits-eligible faculty and staff. To schedule a screening, login to the Be Well portal at portal.bewelldata.com, click on "Worksite Screening" under "My Appointments", and select a date.
Earn Tier 2 Points with Virtual and Self-Paced Offerings
Employee Wellness has been working diligently to move several of our lunch and learns, workshops and financial wellness sessions to a webinar format, wherever possible.Our group challenges will continue as scheduled. We are also exploring new opportunities for Tier 2 points that are feasible to complete while teleworking, including the addition a “Be Well Videos” category and the ability to earn Mindfulness/Yoga points for virtual participation for the “Mindfulness” category. These updates have been applied to the Be Well Portal for Tier 2. In addition, a quick reference document of other Tier 2 items that can be completed during the qualifying period, Jan. 2 – Oct. 15, can be found here.
Lastly, Employee Wellness takes this opportunity to highlight some upcoming offerings, as well as remind you of self-paced activities that are eligible for Tier 2 points, even if you still have not completed Tier 1. These include: