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Meet the Employers
Monday, March 17, 202511:00 am to 1:00 pm
The Legacy of Peace Marshals at Kent State - Talk
Wednesday, March 19, 20251:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Opening Reception: John Paul Morabito: Madonna dei Femminellə
Thursday, March 20, 20255:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Spring Grad Fair 2025
Saturday, March 22, 202511:00 am to 4:00 pm
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Porthouse Theatre Awarded Ohio Arts Council Grant
Porthouse Theatre, Kent State University's summer professional theatre, was awarded a $23,615 sustainability grant by the Ohio Arts Counc
Kent State Researcher Examines Vaccine Rejection and Hesitancy, Discusses Ways to More Actively Promote Vaccination
A current public health debate is whether parents should have their children vaccinated.
WKSU Adds New Programs to Schedule
WKSU has added new programs to its weekday and weekend schedules.
Energy Tip of the Week: Unblock Air Vents
You and the HVAC have a common technique: You both need deep breaths to perform at your peak!
Important Information About Final Grading of Summer 2 2017 (S2) Classes
Online final grading for summer 2 2017 (S2) began Thursday, Aug. 3, via FlashFAST.

World First: New Polymer Goes for a Walk When Illuminated
Scientists at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands and Kent State University have developed a new material that can undulate and therefore propel itself forward under the influence of light.

Kent State Trumbull Hits the Ground Running With Cross Country Program
Kent State University at Trumbull officially announced the reinstatement of its campus athletic programs.

Kent State Employees Share Their Summer Vacation Photos II
This week, e-Inside presents more of Kent State University employees’ favorite summer vacation photos.

Kent State’s Danniel Thomas-Dodd Named MAC Nominee for NCAA Woman of the Year

Shaker Heights, Painesville, Akron and Westlake Schools Participate in Leadership Institute Sponsored by Kent State
School administrators from Shaker Heights, Painesville, Akron’s Firestone cluster and Westlake delved into understanding leadership through a contextual and cultural lens in a recent four-day institute.
Kent State Researchers Help Find Pathologic Hallmarks of Alzheimer’s Disease in Aged Chimpanzee Brains
Dementia affects one-third of all people older than 65 years in the United States.

Kaltura: Kent State's New Online Video Platform
As of January 1, 2017, Kaltura replaced KSUtube as Kent State’s online video platform, a service that enables users to upload, convert, s