
Canvas includes several ways to connect with your students and provide valuable feedback on their work.  Check out the tools and strategies below.

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Regional Campuses

The New Analytics tool allows instructors to view average course grades, course activity, and individual student participation and progress. Instructors can also use the tool to generate useful reports and communicate with students.

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As a wrap up to our Canvas Quizzes Quick Tip theme over the last month, we are sharing instructions for how to set up makeup quizzes for individual students.  Pay special attention to Steps 4-5 in the Reopen the Quiz section to avoid the issue of disappearing grades!

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The Quick Tip quiz saga continues, and our trilogy concludes this week with a focus on Canvas New Quizzes. 

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Last week, we took a comparative view of Classic vs. New Quizzes in Canvas.  This week, we’re taking a deeper dive into the Classic Quiz tool, including how to create the quiz, configure the settings and accommodations, preview and publish, and handle grading and makeups. 

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You say po-tā-toe, I say pot-ah-toe. You say, “tests, exams, assessments,” Canvas Panda says, “Classic and New Quizzes.”  

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Regional Campuses

Canvas has a helpful tool to allow instructors to see exactly what their students see in the course.

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Canvas gives a great way to share content with our students, but it can be a struggle to keep up with all of the digital resources and weblinks over time.  We can leverage the Link Validator tool in Canvas to quickly identify broken links so that we can fix them before they become a problem for students.

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Roll Call Attendance is a tool that allows instructors to take student attendance electronically via a list of student names or a seating chart grid. The Attendance tool can be used for both online and face-to-face courses.

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We hope you are having a great first week of classes!  For this week’s Quick Tip, we’re sending a reminder about the Canvas Dashboard and course enrollments.  Make sure to bookmark the updated ticket links below as these have changed since last semester.

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