
We hope you had a wonderful and restful winter break!  As our first Quick Tip of the new year, we wanted to share a great resource that will help you get your Spring 2023 courses “Canvas-Ready!”

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We hope the end of the semester is going smoothly for everyone.  We’re writing with some reminders and updates that we hope you will find helpful as we close out the fall semester and begin preparing for spring.

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Do you have a student taking an incomplete this semester?  The most common way instructors handle incompletes in Canvas is to extend student access to their course beyond the end of the term so that the student can submit the remaining work. 

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Regional Campuses

We are approaching that time of year when we start preparing for the upcoming semester.  Learn how to copy content from your previous Canvas courses.

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Regional Campuses

Cross-listing is a Canvas feature that allows instructors to combine multiple course section of enrollments into a single course. Cross-listing can be helpful for faculty who teach multiple sections of the same course and only want to manage course data in one location.

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This week, we’re taking a look at the Files section of Canvas courses.  You can access your course files by clicking the Files link in the course navigation menu on the left. 

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This week we want to show some Canvas course options that are easy to implement but could impact you and your students significantly.

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Once you’ve been teaching in Canvas for a while, you may find that your Dashboard starts to look a little cluttered.  To make it easier to find the courses you need when you need them, consider taking a few minutes to customize how your course cards appear on your Canvas Dashboard. 

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The gradebook looks like the fall trees, but there is purpose to that beauty. This week we are going to look at what those colors mean in the Canvas Gradebook.

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Updating all your assignment and quiz dates can be time-consuming, so this week’s tip contains two tricks for managing assignment dates more efficiently.

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