Anna Gravina

A photo of Anna Gravina in a library.

Anna Gravina earned her undergraduate degree in Italian Literature at the University of Florence with a thesis published in 2006 on the genesis of XX century's standard biographies of Italian Renaissance classics as Machiavelli, Guicciardini and Savonarola. Subsequently she graduated at the Siena University for Foreign Students obtaining the DITALS Diploma in Didattica dell'italiano come lingua straniera, (the certificate officially recognized for teaching Italian as a second language.)

Anna Gravina has a long experience as a teacher of Italian as a second language to international students in the main schools of the town. The courses of General Italian she has been in charge of include the study of Italian grammar as well as conversation courses. She has also been responsible for the syllabus and the didactics of courses addressed to American college students. She has regularly assisted the staff direction in programming preparation courses to DELI, DILI and DALI official certifications, and she has taken part as an examiner in the evaluation process. At the same time she has been teaching Italian (as a free-lance teacher) to chief executives of some international major companies.