Free Health Screening
Instructions for first-time login to Be Well Solutions web portal:
Go to and use the following login credentials:
- Username: FlashLine username with first letter moved to the end. (Example: csmith23 = smith23c)
- Password*: The format for your ten-character password is MMMYYXXXXX. (Example: below = APR9065432)
- MMM = the first three UPPER CASE letters of your birth month. (i.e. April = APR).
- YY = the last two digits of your birth year. (i.e. 1990 = 90).
- XXXXX = the last five digits of your Kent State University (Banner) ID number. (i.e. 898765432 = 65432)
*You will be prompted to change your password and complete your profile.
For additional log-in or registration assistance please call Be Well Solutions at 1-888-935-7378