Jacopo Gresleri

Jacopo Gresleri (Bologna 1971), architect, graduated with honor in Architectural Design at the University of Ferrara, PhD in "Architecture, Urban Design, Conservation of Housing and Landscape" at the Politecnico di Milano, he works as a freelance professional in Bologna. He’s a licensed Professorat Lector at AQU Catalunya. 

Adjunct professor of Architectural Design (English track) at Politecnico di Milano and of Reading Cities at Kent State University (Florence), previously at Politecnico di Torino and Università di Ferrara. A former Visiting Lecturer and Visiting Critic at BUT (Brno), Kent State University (Florence), California State University (Florence), NYIT (New York), Syracuse University (London), Maryland University (Florence), Roger Williams (Florence), Genoa, Alghero and Parma, he has participated as a speaker at conferences and seminars in Italy and abroad on the topics of cohousing, collaborative living and housing for the elderly. He has been involved in national research (Politecnico di Torino, Università di Ferrara, Università di Palermo in MIUR-PRIN and FAR) and international (Politecnico di Torino - EPFL Lausanne) and with ILAUD.  

Exhibition and architectural event curator, member of the Scientific Committee of the Licosia’s “Póleis” publishing series, and the author of essays, articles and monographs he also acts as a peer reviewer for some international Journals.