Marco Bracci

A photo of Marco Bracci against a colourful background.

Marco Bracci got his B.A. degree in Political Sciences, his M.A. in Communication and Media and his Ph.D. in Sociology of Communication at the University of Florence. From 2002 to 2012 he taught sociological courses and was research collaborator at the Department of Sociology and Political Sciences, University of Florence. Marco began teaching at important US Study Abroad University programs in Florence in 2013.

He is adjunct professor at Kent State University in Florence – where he teaches SPAD 45024 SPORT IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE (Summer Institute) - at University of Minnesota-Florence, at AIFS Global Education Center – Florence, and at Gonzaga in Florence. He is member of the American Sociological Association (ASA), and the Steering and Monitoring Committee of IRPET. Marco is AIFS Academic Advisory Council member (2023-2025).

His research interests focus on social and cultural changes in late modernity, media, popular music, sports, food and education abroad. His publications include monographs, essays and chapters in books. Some of his books are: Da Modugno a X Factor. Musica e società italiana dal dopoguerra a oggi (2010); Radici di Ferro e Futuro d’Acciaio (2012); and The Dark Side of the Moon. Viaggio nell’identità dei Pink Floyd (2013).

He has recently co-authored the following publications about the Study Abroad Sector: the sociological research Study Abroad in Italy. Fra economia della conoscenza, turismo e soft power (2021), and the only existing students’ guidebook in English Study Abroad in Florence (first edition, 2022 and second edition, 2023).

Some of his include: Nel Blu Dipinto di Blu. Storia e Consumo Culturale di un Brano Made in Italy da Sanremo 1958 ai Grammy Awards, in S. Cinotto and G. Crisanti (edited by), Un Oceano di Stile. Produzione e Consumo di Made in Italy negli Stati Uniti del Dopoguerra (2023); The “journey” of personal identity in The Dark Side of the Moon, in Human development, ed. by Beatriz Pena Acuna (2013); Online music listening and consumption, and the re-definition of personal identities in our radical modernity, in Popular culture: A Reader, ed. by Beatriz Pena Acuna and Otto Von Feigenblatt (2013).

He is co-founder and newsroom member of the cultural review where he writes about media, society, food culture and sports.