Sylvie Duvernoy

Sylvie Duvernoy is an architect, graduated from Paris University in 1982. Later in 1998 she received her PhD degree from the Architecture Department of the University of Florence, specializing in architectural drawing and representation. After teaching classes in architectural drawing for several years at the engineering and architecture schools of the University of Florence and the University of Ferrara, she currently teaches at the Design School of the Politecnico di Milano in addition to the Florence Program of Kent State University.  

Her PhD dissertation and following post-graduate research focus on the reciprocal influences between mathematics and historical architecture. The results of her studies have regularly been presented in international conferences, and published in several international journals. She has been editor for the Nexus Network Journal published by Springer, and is a founding member of the international association ”Nexus - Architecture and Mathematics”. 

In addition to research and teaching, Sylvie always maintained a private professional activity. After working for a few years in the Parisian office of an international Swiss architecture firm, she has been partner ever since 1989 of an associate office in Florence (“Studio Orsanmichele”), whose projects range from remodeling and restoration to new constructions, in Italy and abroad. 

Sylvie is also a visual artist: a watercolourist and painter. Her artworks have been shown in galleries and other spaces, especially in Paris-France (1985), in Valletta-Malta (1990), in Leipzig-Germany (since 1994), and more recently Florence and Padova in Italy. 

Among her many publications, the textbook written for students:

Sylvie Duvernoy, Elementi di disegno (Le Lettere, 2011).