Learning Outcomes

20000-29999 30000-39999 40000-49999

00020 Pre Algebra (2)

00021 Basic Algebra I (2)

00022 Basic Algebra II (2)

10041/10040 Introductory Statistics (4/5)

10051/10050 Quantitative Reasoning (4/5)

11008 Explorations in Modern Mathematics (3)

11009/10772 Modeling Algebra (4/5)

11010/10775/10675 Algebra for Calculus (3/4/5)

11012 Intuitive Calculus (3)

11022 Trigonometry (3)

12002 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (5)

12003 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (5)

12011 Calculus with Precalculus I (3)

12012 Calculus with Precalculus II (3)

12021 Calculus for Life Sciences (4)

12022 Probability and Statistics for Life Sciences (3)

14001/10771 Basic Mathematical Concepts I (4/5)

14002 Basic Mathematical Concepts II (4)

19099 Field Experience in Mathematics Instruction (1)

20095 Special Topics in Mathematics (1-5)

21001 Linear Algebra (3)

22005 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III (3)

23022 Discrete Structures for Computer Science (3)

30011 Basic Probability and Statistics (3)

30055 Mathematical Theory of Interest (3)

31011 Proofs in Discrete Mathematics (3)

32044 Ordinary Differential Equations (3)

32051 Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences I (4)

32052 Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences II (4)

34001 Fundamental Concepts of Algebra (3)

40012 Theory of Statistics (3)

40051 Topics in Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes (3)

40055 Actuarial Mathematics I (4)

40056 Actuarial Mathematics II (4)

40093 Variable Title Workshop in Mathematics (1-6)

41001 Introduction to Modern Algebra I (3)

41002 Introduction to Modern Algebra II (3)

41021 Theory of Matrices (3)

41045 Metalogic (3)

42001 Introduction to Analysis I (3)

42002 Introduction to Analysis II (3)

42011 Mathematical Optimization (3)

42021 Graph Theory and Combinatorics (3)

42024 Numbers and Games (3)

42041 Advanced Calculus (3)

42045 Partial Differential Equations (3)

42048 Complex Variables (3)

42201 Numerical Computing I (3)

42202 Numerical Computing II (3)

45011 Differential Geometry (3)

45021 Euclidean Geometry (3)

45022 Linear Geometry (3)

46001 Elementary Topology (3)

47011 Theory of Numbers (3)

49998 Research (1-15)