Kent State Students

Kent State University is the recipient of the 2015 Institutional Excellence for Students in Transition Award by the National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. The center is committed to setting the standard for excellence in supporting students at critical junctures in the educational pipeline, and it seeks to promote intentional and integrative connections within and across institutions and educational sectors to enhance the student transition experience. Launched in 2014, the Institutional Excellence for Students in Transition Award is presented annua...

Fall 2016 application deadlines for our M.S. and Ph.D. Programs are approaching. December 5th for International Applications and December 15th for Domestic Applications.  Please see the graduate program website for more information. ...

World Poetry Reading

The World Poetry Reading was the best medicine for all of the terrible news lately. Over 100 students and community members came out to hear 11 international students read poems in their native languages. People in the audience were literally cheering. Poetry is one of the best ways to share our humanity. Thank you to all of the participants who read beautiful poems from your home countries. And an extra thank you to Loránd Sávoly-Kepir for taking the photos! ...

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