What is NOCTI?

NOCTI is the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute. Kent State is a certified test site for NOCTI. This institute provides testing to verify occupational competency in various occupations. Teachers who are licensed through Industry Option can take NOCTI exams in two parts: a written test (held in a classroom setting on the main Kent campus) and a performance component (in a lab setting) with a proctor in the trade area being tested.

How can I become a Career-Technical Teacher?

The primary path to becoming a licensed teacher in a Career Technical trade area is through the 2-Year Provisional or One-Year Supplemental licensure path.. Each path offers specific licenses.  Work experience and/or teaching experience is the employment criteria. This option requires a teacher to be hired by a school district into a teaching position in their trade area then joining the KSU CTE licensure program.

What is Career-Technical Teacher Education (CTTE)?

CTTE at Kent State University is one of a small number of teacher education programs in Ohio designed to prepare teachers as educators primarily in Ohio Schools in Career-Technical Programs. The KSU program is the only program in Northeast Ohio serving the Career-Technical Education community. The program is comprehensive offering teacher licensure programs, baccalaureate and graduate degrees, and a national occupational testing site.

What is Career-Technical Education?

Career-Technical Education is the contemporary term that describes educational programs designed to prepare Ohio high school students for careers in trade areas. This term replaced the term "vocational education" some years ago. Career-Technical Education programs prepare students for specific occupations or a career cluster in a wide variety of career areas. Many programs prepare students for initial entry into a specific occupation. In addition, some programs prepare students for further post-secondary study. These programs are referred to as Tech Prep.

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