Flash Friday: Eduardo Strobel

Welcome to Flash Friday! In this series, we introduce you to fascinating student Flashes from all walks of life. This Flash Friday we want to introduce you to Eduardo Miranda Strobel, an international student from Curitiba, Brazil. Strobel is currently pursuing a master's from the School of Media and Journalism at Kent State University.  Strobel’s journey to Kent State started in 2019 with The American Academy program. The program is a partnership between Kent State and The Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR), a major university in Brazil.“After the two-year program, I c...

White building in Santo Domingo along a street. Flags are hanging from the windows.
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Hands of Gratitude: Service Learning in the Dominican Republic

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Division of Research & Economic Development

Anna Anello, Neuroscience and Computer Science 2024, 3X published and Ph.D bound

I’m Anna Anello, I’m a double major in neuroscience and computer science with a minor in psychology and I’ll graduate in fall 2024. I chose Kent State because I really loved the campus and when I discovered that they added the neuroscience program when I would be starting, it cemented my decision. I was also drawn to Kent State because of how easy it is to study abroad and because of the Brain Health Research Institute (BHRI) which is a giant neuroscience collaboratory that really intrigued me. I liked the idea of a bunch of neuroscientists on campus.I recognized that this would lead to a...

Division of Research & Economic Development

Autumn Redd blog banner photo

My name is Autumn Redd, and I am majoring in neuroscience with a pre-medicine concentration. I am expected to graduate in the spring of 2025. I chose to go to Kent State for several reasons. Neuroscience has been my area of interest since the 7th grade, and I was determined to find a college that offered a neuroscience program. When I discovered how prestigious the Kent State neuroscience program was, Kent became one of my top choices. My father is also a Kent State alumnus, so I have heard nothing but positive feedback.As someone who comes from a high school that held a community-based a...

Division of Research & Economic Development

Frances Brunner banner photo

My name is Frances Brunner, and I am from Louisville, Kentucky. I am currently in my senior year as a BFA Fashion Design major at Kent State University.Raised in a strict household, I always felt a ceiling in what I was able to express creatively. With this mindset, I had conformed to the idea of taking a “safer” route in aspiring to become a stock broker. However, I was first introduced to the idea of fashion by conversing over an entrepreneurial dream to create a fashion brand called “Frank & Glenn” with my childhood best friend, Mary Glenn, in high school. Several days later, I was...

Division of Research & Economic Development

Andrew Pertz blog banner photo

My name is Andrew Pertz, I am an aerospace engineering student with a minor in applied mathematics in the Honors College. In a lot of ways, I feel like Kent State found me. As a first-generation college student, the process of applying and finding schools was very overwhelming. I also knew that I wouldn’t be able to afford college, so I was also stressed about applying for scholarships.During my college search, I was looking for schools that offered my major of interest: aerospace engineering. Oddly enough, that leaves only a handful of schools within Ohio and bordering states. Kent State...

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