This award is directed to Neuroscience majors who have or are engaging in neuroscience research. The awardees will be selected from a pool of applicants who fulfil the following prerequisites: 1) Neuroscience major with a junior or senior status, 3.0 GPA, a self-nominating student research statement (400 words) and a letter of support (no more than 500 words) from their supervisory Faculty.The Neuroscience curricular undergraduate committee and one graduate of the Neuroscience major, will select the best three applicants. Each will receive a $250 scholarship. Awardees will give a 10 min presen...



The center and department provide various research/scholarship opportunities for students enrolled in different programs. 

  • Contact a faculty member of the center to discuss potential research opportunities.
  • Contact the center to discuss potential scholarship opportunities. 


  • The center maintains its own data center to support a wide range of cybersecurity related research. 
  • The center is building its in-house cyber range to support.
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