Kent State Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Chapter
Meeting Schedule for 2024-25
MAP (Minorities and Philosophy) is a club that meets both in person and virtually, usually on the first Thursday of every month, from 5:30-6:30pm. We read an article or book chapter before each meeting and spend the hour discussing the reading and any topics that stem from that discussion. While MAP prioritizes readings about and/or from groups underrepresented in philosophy or related disciplines, all are welcome to participate. We hope to see you at a meeting!
All meetings will take place Thursdays, 5:30-6:30pm, both in person in 208 Bowman Hall and on Teams. Anyone wishing to join any of the meetings virtually can do so by clicking here.
For further information, please email Anya Galperin at
FALL 2024
September 5
Reading: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, "Can the Subaltern Speak?"
October 3
Reading: TBD
November 7
Reading: TBD
December 5
Reading: TBD
February 6
Reading: TBD
March 6
Reading: TBD
April 3
Reading: TBD
May 1
Reading: TBD