Michael K. Dzordzormenyoh
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Kent State University. I received my PhD from the Department of Political Science at the University of South Dakota, Vermillion. I study comparative social justice and inequality issues using formal theory, quantitative, and qualitative methods. My past and current research examines social justice and inequality issues in areas such as criminal justice, immigration, healthcare, leadership, and elections in the United States, and the global south, i.e., Africa and Brazil.
Prior to joining Kent State, I completed a postdoctoral fellowship and a visiting assistant professor position at the Center for Black Studies Research, University of California, Santa Barbara and the Department of Political Science, Oklahoma State University, respectively.
M.A. Applied Politics, University of Akron, 2014
B.A. Political Science and Linguistics, University of Ghana, 2011
- Dzordzormenyoh, M. K., Asafo, D. M., Domeh, T. & Domeh, B. (2021). “Covid-19 in Africa: Exploring the Predictors of the Acceptance & Integrated use of the Covid-19 Vaccine in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Journal of Global Health, 11(2), 1 – 12. https://doi.org/10
- Dzordzormenyoh, M. K., & Perkins, D. (2021). “Immigration in the United States: Exploring the Factors that Predict Public Support for Police Stop targeted at Illegal Immigration & Immigrants with a Criminal Record”. Journal of International Migration & In
- Dzordzormenyoh, M. K. (2021). “Effective Local Government Council Leadership: Reassessing the Facilitative Model of Leadership”. International Journal of Public Leadership, 18(3), 229 – 241. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPL-02-2021-0015
- Boateng, F. D., & Dzordzormenyoh, M. K. (2021). “Capital Punishment in Brazil: Exploring the Factors that Predict Public Support for Death Penalty”. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 38(1), 56 - 71. https://doi.org/10.1177/10439862211034345
- Boateng, F. D., Dzordzormenyoh, M. K., Adjekum-Boateng, N. S., & Nortey-Darko, I. (2022). “Substance use among Students: Examining the Effects of Psychological Problems & the Five Dimensions of Personality Trait”. Deviant Behavior, 43(9), 1050 - 1067. htt