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Spring Grad Fair 2025
Saturday, March 22, 202511:00 am to 4:00 pm
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Yosh Hakutani, Department of English
Yosh Hakutani, Department of English, authored three book chapters in American Haiku: New Readings, ed. Toru Kiuchi (Lanham, MD/New York/London: Lexington Books, 2017): “Chapter 2: Ezra Pound, Imagism, and Haiku,” 33-56; “Chapter 6: Richard Wright’s Haiku, Zen, and the African ‘Primal Outlook upon Life,’” 151-74; and “Chapter 9: Jack Kerouac’s Haiku and The Dharma Bums,” 205-29.

Donna Laverne | Feb. 19, 2018
Familiar Face
donna laverne
Business Manager
College of the Arts, Dean's Office
Kent Campus

Alison Haynes | Feb. 19, 2018
New Face
alison haynes
Clerical Coordinator
Residence Services
Kent Campus
Sleep Soundly 28-Day Challenge Starts March 5
There is nothing like a good night’s sleep, but don’t snooze through this 28-day program designed to help you
Do I have to use vacation or personal time to attend university-sponsored events, such as lunch and learns, wellness fairs, employee appreciation events, etc.?
This spring, the Division of Human Resources has scheduled a number of events specifically geared toward employee participation, such as the Office Support Staff Luncheon and Employee Appreciation events across all campuses.

Video: Discovering Purpose - Pacifique Niyonzima
Hear how a student from Rwanda overcame incredible odds to earn a degree and discover his purpose in higher education.
Kent State President to Host Strategic Roadmap Update Sessions
Please join Kent State University President Beverly Warren for an update on progress toward the&nb
Kent State of Wellness to Host Brain Health Summit
With stress levels on the rise and mental health considered one of the most crucial issues in public heal
You Still Have Time to Switch! Use Proctorio for Spring 2018
Proctorio is a proctoring solution for online exams that monitors test takers for suspicious behaviors. &
Summer Advantage Helps Diverse Students Graduate In Four Years
Summer Advantage is an educational journey based on career exploration, success coaching and academic cou
Kent State Announces 2018 Research Colloquia
Kent State University’s Division of Research and Sponsored Programs, Division of Information S
Important Information About Final Grading of Spring 2018 First 5 Weeks (POT F1) Classes
Online final grading for spring 2018 first five Weeks (POT F1) began Friday, Feb. 16, via FlashFAST.