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The Legacy of Peace Marshals at Kent State - Talk
Wednesday, March 19, 20251:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Opening Reception: John Paul Morabito: Madonna dei Femminellə
Thursday, March 20, 20255:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Spring Grad Fair 2025
Saturday, March 22, 202511:00 am to 4:00 pm
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The Next Big Thing
With the recent opening of Kent State’s new Integrated Sciences Building, the university is well-positioned to be part of promising scientific breakthroughs in the 21st century.
By Lisa Abraham / Kent State Magazine

College of Communication and Information to Host Industry Exclusive Career Expo ’18
If you are registered to attend this year’s College of Communication and Information (CCI) Career Expo on Thursday, Feb.

Tall Tale: The Twists and Turns of Jonathan Nwankwo's Long Journey From Nigeria to Kent State
How this junior computer information systems major traveled from Nigeria to New York to Florida before finding his calling at Kent State.

Researchers End Ongoing Debate Over How to Determine the Age of Beluga Whales
You have likely seen one at an aquarium.
Successful Christmas for Adopted Families at Battered Women's Shelter
This past Christmas season, the
Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting Offering Student Fellowship Stipend of $3,000 to Cover International Story
Each year, the Kent State University School of Communication Studies p

A Vintage Year
As the Ohio wine industry continues to expand, Kent State Ashtabula has partnered with a local winery and launched a wine label to help students gain real-world experience and meet the industry’s demand for skilled workers.
By Jan Senn / Kent State Magazine

Kent State’s DeWeese Health Center Creates Community Garden to Foster Wellness on Campus
Kent State University’s DeWeese Health Center is on a mission to create a culture of wellness on campus that incorporates body, mind, spirit and financial well-being, as well as a sense of community.

Video: Kent State Super Bowl Commercial 2018
Purpose is what powers us, inspires us and drives the innovation we create to change our world.
Yosh Hakutani, Department of English
Yosh Hakutani, Department of English, authored “Cy Twombly’s Painting of the Peonies and Haiku Imagery” in Cy Twombly: Image, Text, Paratext, ed. Thierry Greub, (Paderborn, Germany: Wilhelm Fink Verlag / Boston: Brill Publishing Group, 2018), 306-22; and “Yone Noguchi, Ezra Pound, and Imagism: A Summary” in Yone Noguchi Society Newsletter, No. 4 (September 2017), 2-4.