As a student receiving financial aid at Kent State University:

  • You are responsible for providing accurate information to the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center or the Student Financial Aid Office.
  • You are responsible for reapplying for financial aid each and every year.
  • You are responsible for completing applications correctly and on time.
  • You are responsible for reading and understanding all materials sent to you from the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center or the Student Financial Aid Office and all forms you are asked to submit or sign.
  • You are responsible for requesting personal assistance if you have questions or don’t understand the information provided to you.
  • You are responsible for submitting documentation and information requested by the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center or the Student Financial Aid Office in a timely manner and keeping copies for your own records.
  • You are responsible for checking your FlashLine account regularly.
  • You are responsible for notifying the University of any name or address changes.
  • You are responsible for knowing and complying with the rules governing your financial aid awards.
  • You are responsible for attending classes and completing the requirements for each course in which you enroll.
  • You are responsible for compliance with Kent State University’s refund policy and Federal Return to Title IV Aid policy, should you withdraw from the University (either officially or unofficially).
  • You are responsible for notifying the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center of any financial awards you receive from outside resources (including scholarships, grants, Veteran’s Benefits, tuition waivers, or other educational/tuition assistance) not already listed on your Financial Aid Award Letter or your FlashLine account.
  • If you borrow a student loan, you are responsible for completing loan entrance and exit counseling.
  • You are responsible for the repayment of all loans in accordance with the terms of your promissory note. You are responsible for notifying your lender if any of the following occurs before your loan is repaid: change of address, graduation, withdrawal from Kent State University or less than half-time attendance, name change, or transfer to another institution.
  • You are responsible for maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • You are responsible for using financial aid for educational expenses incurred while attending Kent State University.
  • You are responsible for the repayment of any over award of financial aid.