Digital Storage Changes

Changes in the terms and conditions associated with our digital storage providers (Google and Microsoft) are resulting in changes to Kent State's digital file storage. These changes will be occurring over the next 18 months and may require you to take one or more actions. 

Overview of Changes

  1. Reduction in the total number of accounts:
    • The Google accounts of all previous Kent State students, staff, and faculty who have no active connection to the university will be removed.
    • The Google accounts and contents of users who were migrated from Google to Microsoft Outlook within the last two years will be deleted.
  2. Reduction of total Google storage in accounts:
    • Google Photos will be removed from all accounts. Photos needed for personal use should be downloaded and/or moved to iCloud, a personal Google account, or a photo storing service of your choosing.
    • Mandatory quotas will be imposed on Google Drive storage. Users should review their Google contents, then delete or move unnecessary or large files that may cause the quota to be exceeded. 

Why is my storage changing?

How Does This Affect You?

Next steps depend on your current role at the university. Click the appropriate role below to learn how you can prepare: