National Alcohol Screening Day returns to Kent State University for its 15th year. National Alcohol Screening Day is a promotional outreach effort to reduce and prevent at-risk drinking by providing anonymous screening for alcohol-use disorders. The event, which is free and open to the public, takes place April 9 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the second floor of the Kent Student Center. “National Alcohol Screening Day is an excellent way to educate the Kent State University community about alcohol-use disorders and related health issues,” said Scott Dotterer, coordinator of Kent State’s Office ...

Kent State Grad Killed in the Line of Duty Honored Through 5K Run, Book Release and Hollywood Movie Army 1st Lt. Ashley White-Stumpf always had a smile on her face. Those who knew her will never forget the tenderness and incredible strength behind it. White-Stumpf graduated from Kent State University and was commissioned as an Army officer through Kent State’s Army ROTC in 2009. She was killed in action in Kandahar, Afghanistan, on Oct. 22, 2011.   “She was physically fit beyond anybody,” said Kent State’s ROTC Operations Officer Joe Paydock. “She was also so pleasant, so ...

College of Communication & Information

The Telly Awards

Twelve thousand entries, 500 judges and national recognition: Kent State TeleProductions’ work ranked among the best. TeleProductions was honored with three Telly Awards for recent productions. The hard work and talent of TeleProductions crew didn’t go unnoticed by the Silver Telly Council. Productions in three non-broadcast categories: motivational, history/biography and sports, won awards. Staff and members of the student crew collaborated on all three award-winning productions. TeleProductions staff members pride themselves on being a resource for students interested in the field of vide...


Virginia Wright

Administrative Assistant
MSB 233B

Melanie Hardy Neuzil

Senior Secretary
MSB 233

Judith Wearden

Administrative Secretary
MSB 233D



Kent State University freshman Javier Ojeda risked losing it all if surgery to stop bleeding in his brain did not go as planned. Ojeda faced losing the use of his arms, going into a coma, or even dying. But the night before Easter, Ojeda amazingly walked out of the hospital. Ojeda and his father talked with KDKA-TV and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette about what motivated Ojeda’s comeback and when the environmental and conservation biology major hopes to return to classes. ...

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