Cool happenings in KSU's Poli Sci Classrooms!

Last week, students in the IR/Comparative Politics Senior Seminar on Russian Politics got to have a discussion with the author of "Sex, Politics, and Putin: Political Legitimacy in Russia," Valerie Sperling. Sperling spoke with students via Skype from her office at Clark University. Dr. Barnes, who is teaching the seminar, arranged and led a discussion which often focused on gender stereotypes, feminism, and the rhetoric of masculinity in Russian politics. I told you - cool stuff! You can check out Sperling's book here:…/978…/acprof-9780199324347

Learn more about our Senior Seminar courses here:

POSTED: Friday, November 13, 2015 10:16 AM
UPDATED: Monday, July 22, 2024 10:17 AM