IRB Forms

News and announcements:

Starting July 1, 2024, Kuali will be used to manage Legacy submissions. informational document  

IT Data Governance Brown Bag (November 8, 2023)

IRB Education Series

  • Introducing the IRB Education Series 1.0! great for online and in person classes!
  • Our IRB Education Series was developed to foster greater understanding of human research subject protections and knowledge of IRB processes at Kent State University and is designed to be easily accessible and accommodating; all modules include a short video, quiz and tip sheet and are available in series or as individual components.  
  • Access the series online today! 

Kuali updates: a minor update to the IRB application will be released on January 17 at 9PM; we recommend not working in the system during the update. The changes include updating links and correcting a typo.