Upcoming Events

computer with blue persons head

Summer AI Workshops

The Center for Teaching and Learning is offering several summer workshops to kick off our AI workshop series. Individuals who participate in 4 workshops (at least 3 separate one-hour sessions) and submit a brief reflection will be eligible to earn special recognition for their commitment to learning about AI.  Further details on the recognition program will be forthcoming.


Crafting and Communicating AI Policies for the Classroom 

Are you interested in thinking through your policies regarding AI usage and how to communicate these with students?  Join us for a conversation about how to navigate the complexities of AI course policies. We will discuss best practices for creating clear AI policies and strategies for communicating your expectations with students.

Click here to register for July 11th - 2pm-3pm
Click here to register for August 14th - 11am-12pm


Strategies to Support Responsible Student Use of AI

Do you want to learn more about guiding students’ decision-making regarding the use of AI tools for learning?  Join us for a conversation on how to foster a culture of integrity, critical thinking, and accountability in the use of AI.

Click here to register for July 24th - 2pm - 3pm
Click here to register for September 5th - 12pm - 1pm


The Impact of AI on Student Writing: Critical Considerations for Instructors

Generative AI has significantly impacted how instructors create and assess student writing assignments across all fields.  Join us to examine the impacts of AI and how we can strategically design writing assignments to support student learning. We will consider strategies for supporting responsible use of AI tools that encourage original thinking and authentic student work.

Click here to register for August 6th - 11am - 12pm


Click here to learn more about the AI Playground Workshops coming this Fall

a black squirrel on a computer with thought bubbles of titles associated with each playground series workshop topic