Program Description
Come learn about their research and celebrate the great work of our 2024-2025 Teaching Scholars. Their work will be highlighted during the in-person CTL End of Year Extravaganza!
Click here to register for Friday, April 11th from 11-1 in DI HUB 219.
Applications for the next Teaching Scholar Cohort are now open!
We encourage all who are interested in research in your classroom, community with other KSU faculty around teaching and student learning, and/or the Teaching Scholars Program to explore and reach out!
- View past participants and their projects by clicking on the "Past Participants" tab
- Schedule a consultation with CTL by emailing
- View a PDF of previous Teaching Scholars project and posters by clicking here
Click Here to Apply for the 2025 Teaching Scholars Cohort
2025 Teaching Scholars Meeting Dates
Tentative Summer schedule - Wednesdays,12:00 -1:30 pm
- May 21st (in-person)
- June 4th (in-person)
- June 18th (virtual)
- July 9th (virtual)
- July 23rd (virtual)
- August 5th (in-person)
Tentative Fall Schedule - Fridays, 12:00 - 1:30pm (we will discuss as a group about virtual vs. in-person)
- September 5th
- September 19th
- October 3rd
- October 31st
- November 14th
- December 5th
Faculty will receive a $2000 stipend for their engagement (no longer a course buy-out)!
Program Description: Teaching Scholars
The Teaching Scholars Program promotes shared scholarly inquiry into teaching and learning. Those interested in conducting scholarly examinations of strategies designed to enhance student learning are encouraged to apply. This program continues to be built around collaborative relationships with interdisciplinary faculty colleagues engaging in the scholarly examination of learning. The primary goal of this program is to support faculty in the design, implementation, and assessment of scholarly projects that identify and create significant learning environments. Participants will receive a $2000.00 stipend upon completion of the program.
The broad aims of the program include:
- Assessing, developing, and enhancing student learning
- Building an interdisciplinary community of scholars around learning and teaching
- Building strategies for the scholarly study of student learning
- Identifying, through research, elements of significant learning environments
The benefits of the program for participants include:
- Participating in a year-long program that focuses on the scholarship of learning and teaching
- The development of collegial relationships across disciplines
- Participation at a conference on learning, teaching, and SoTL
- Developing methods for studying, documenting, and assessing learning and teaching.
Application questions of no more than 200 - 400 words include:
- Briefly state your philosophy regarding teaching and student learning
- What experiences, interest, knowledge, and skills might you contribute to colleagues in this learning community?
- Community is a key element in the Teaching Scholars Program. Our goal is to foster a learning community where scholars support one another in the design, implementation, and assessment of scholarly projects that examine student learning.
- Describe innovative teaching activities in which you have been involved that have made a difference in your students' learning
- e.g., efforts to improve teaching, development of curricular materials, etc.
- Indicate how your participation in this program will contribute to your professional goals
- At this time, what are the research question(s) that you are proposing for your project (no more than 400 -600 words).
- Each Teaching Scholar will be expected to develop a scholarly examination into one or more ways in which teaching influences student learning experiences. These projects might be linked with a specific course or process designed to improve student learning (such as cooperative learning, active learning, technology implementation to name just a few).
- How do you anticipate your project will result in actions that support student success, equitable learning outcomes, and/or a positive student learning experience?
Applications will be accepted from all full-time Tenure Track and full-time Non-Tenure Track faculty members.