Grants are a form of Gift Aid and do not have to be repaid. Kent State University participates in the programs listed below:
Federal Pell Grant
2025-2026 max amount for full-time: $7,395
2024-2025 max amount for full-time: $7,395
Who is Eligible
U.S. Citizens or permanent residents demonstrating financial need; undergraduates.
How to Apply
Submit FAFSA in early October each and every year.
How Award Is Determined
Your eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant is determined by the FAFSA and the federal formula to calculate your Student Aid Index (SAI) number. The amount that you are awarded is based on your SAI number as well as your enrollment intensity per semester. Only undergraduate students are eligible for the Federal Pell Grant. Eligible students are limited to a maximum lifetime limit to receive the Pell grant which is equivalent to 12 full-time semesters.
Enrollment Intensity
Your enrollment, or number of credits you are taking, is considered when determining the amount of your Pell Grant. Prior to the 2024-2025 aid year Pell was determined using your enrollment status (full-time, three-quarter time, half time, less than half time). Starting with the 2024-2025 aid year, the Pell Grant is based on Enrollment Intensity. Enrollment Intensity is a more accurate way to prorate your Pell Grant based on the actual number of credits you are enrolled in rather than 4 broad categories. See the chart below. Please remember that some other types of aid (including TEACH Grant, state, or institutional aid) may still use enrollment status.
Credit Hours | Enrollment Intensity | Enrollment Status Equivalent |
12 (or more) | 100% | Full-Time |
11 | 92% | Three-Quarter Time |
10 | 83% | Three-Quarter Time |
9 | 75% | Three-Quarter Time |
8 | 67% | Half-Time |
7 | 58% | Half-Time |
6 | 50% | Half-Time |
5 | 42% | Less-than-Half-Time |
4 | 33% | Less-than-Half-Time |
3 | 25% | Less-than-Half-Time |
2 | 17% | Less-than-Half-Time |
1 | 8% | Less-than-Half-Time |
The Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant and Children of Fallen Heroes Grant
On the FAFSA there is a question regarding any parent who may have lost their life either while on duty in the military after September 11, 2001, or while performing duties as a public safety officer. If checked yes, you will be asked for documentation to confirm that you are eligible for consideration of this award.
Starting with the 2024-25 award year schools will no longer be awarding Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants (IASG), or special grants for Children of Fallen Heroes. Rather than receiving one of these awards, the student will receive a maximum Pell Grant award. The federal government has established a lifetime limit of no more than 12 semesters (or its equivalent) for eligible students.
- The child of a parent or guardian who died in the line of duty while (a) serving on active duty as a member of the Armed Forces on or after September 11, 2001; or (b) actively serving as and performing the duties of a public safety officer; and
- Less than 33 years old as of the January 1 prior to the award year for which the applicant is applying (e.g., for the 2025-26 award year, a student must be less than 33 years old as of January 1, 2025, to be eligible).
For more information regarding the Iraq and Afghanistan Service grant, please visit the Federal Student Aid site.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
2025-2026: Kent Campus $500 per semester, Regional Campus $250 per semester
2024-2025: Kent Campus $500 per semester, Regional Campus $250 per semester
Who is Eligible
Undergraduate U.S. Citizens or permanent residents demonstrating highest financial need.
How to Apply
Submit FAFSA in early October each and every year.
How Award Is Determined
Must have -1500 SAI (according to federal formula); award amount is determined by the student's enrollment status, class level, residency status, and campus attending (Kent or Regional). Limited funding is available.
Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG)
2025-2026: The estimated maximum amount for full-time Kent Campus student is $4000. Actual amount will be finalized in the state of Ohio bi-annual budget process.
2024-2025: Maximum amount for full-time Kent Campus students is $4000
Who is Eligible
Based on need according to the calculated SAI as determined by the federal formula; enrollment; campus tuition charges; Ohio resident for at least 1 year; Undergraduates who have not yet earned a baccalaureate degree. Students must be enrolled in a majority Kent Campus classes to be considered. Maximum SAI of 3750 and family income less than $96,000.
Learn more about the Ohio College Opportunity Grant
How to Apply
Submit FAFSA in early October (and no later than October 1st of the following year) each and every year.
How Award Is Determined
Part-time students eligible for the OCOG will have amount adjusted based on actual enrollment; restricted to tuition.
Ohio Work Ready Grant (OWRG)
The Ohio Work Ready Grant provides funding to Ohio residents who demonstrate the highest levels of financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Who is Eligible
- Students must have a Student Aid Index (SAI) of 3,750 or less to be considered.
- Eligible students must be enrolled in a qualified program at an Ohio community, state community, or technical college, an Ohio Technical Center, or a state university branch campus.
The maximum yearly award amount is:
- Up to $3,000 per academic year for full-time degree seeking students.
- Up to $2,000 per academic year for part-time degree seeking students
- Up to $2,000 for students enrolled in a short-term certificate or industry recognized credential program (Please note: a student who completes multiple short-term certificates and/or industry recognized credential programs in an academic year is eligible to receive up to $3,000 total for the year, regardless of the number of programs completed in the academic year.
How to Apply
Students apply for the OWRG by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Considering this grant will benefit students attending two-year and four-year institutions as well as those in certificate programs, there is not a deadline for completing the FAFSA. Eligibility will be determined by the EFC or equivalent successor measurement for each academic year.
Learn more about the Ohio Work Ready Grant
2025-2026: Estimated Maximum of $3772 per year through October 1, 2026
2024-2025: Maximum of $3772 per year through October 1, 2024.
Who is Eligible
U.S. citizen or permanent resident; enroll in eligible TEACH Grant major at Kent State University as a degree-seeking undergraduate or graduate student; First-year students must have a 3.25 GPA on final high school transcript or score above the 75th percentile on a college admissions test and continuing students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25. The student must agree to teach in a high-need field in a low-income area.
Learn more about the Federal TEACH Grant
How to Apply
Submit FAFSA in early October each and every year. Students enrolled in an eligible major will be contacted via email by Kent State. Complete the TEACH Grant Agreement to serve or repay; complete the Annual TEACH Grant Counseling requirements. Students must ensure their current teaching position or program of study will allow them to teach in a high need field. The U.S. Department of Education considers high-need fields as bilingual education and English language acquisition, foreign language, mathematics, reading specialist, science, and special education, or any other field that has been identified as a shortage area by the federal or state government, or a local education agency found on the Teacher Shortage List.
How Award Is Determined
Eligibility and award amounts are determined by Kent State upon confirmation of pursuit of degree a program of study, grade level status as undergraduate or graduate student, and academic achievement requirements. Award amount is based on the student's enrollment status and other aid awarded.
Pennsylvania State Grant
$250-$300 per semester
Who is Eligible
Pennsylvania residents attending an Ohio university; minimum 6 credit hours; undergraduates; more than 50% of courses cannot be online or though distance learning methods.
Previous grant recipients must meet academic qualifications to remain eligible for PA State Grant funding.
How to Apply
Submit FAFSA in early October (and no later than June 1st), each and every year.
Apply for a summer PA State Grant online by August 15th.
Apply for the Pennsylvania State Grant online
The Pennsylvania State Grant does not need to be accepted. If the grant is listed as "estimated" on FlashLine, it will be applied to your student account once the grant has been funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This could take up to 5 weeks after the start of the semester.
How Award Is Determined
Based on need/family income. The Pennsylvania State Grant is paid in part or in whole by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and is administered by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) to undergraduate Pennsylvania residents who demonstrate high financial need. For more information visit
Vermont Incentive Grant
$700-$11,200 (estimated)
Who is Eligible
Vermont residents attending an Kent State University, full-time, undergraduates.
How to Apply
Submit FAFSA in early October, a Vermont Grant application.
Access a Vermont Incentive Grant application
How Award Is Determined
Based on financial need.