Lou Raffis, a 1981 graduate of Kent State University’s Honors College, was recently announced as the recipient
of the 2020 Distinguished Honors Alumni Award. He recalls his time at

Raffis adds that he learned at Kent State that “when you graduate from college, your work does not end, it is really just beginning,” by which he means that a college education conveys “the responsibility to give back to the community” to its recipient. “I firmly believe that we are blessed with the ability to better see the unfairness, the inequality, and we are more likely in positions in our community where we can address them,” he says. Raffis believes that, while it may be difficult, it is possible to find a balance between their personal life and service to the community that allows a person to have a well-rounded and fulfilling life, as many individuals whom he knows throughout Northeast Ohio have done. Raffis says that his education through the Honors College fueled his sense of curiosity and has given him “both the willingness and the capability to explore worlds outside of [his] comfort zone.” He is involved in a number of community efforts, including his condominium association, the Garfield Heights Coin Club as president, and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America as the Cleveland events coordinator.
Photo of Lou Raffis, 1981 Honors College graduate of Kent State and 2020 Distinguish Honors Alumni Award recipient.
Media Contact:
Stephanie Moskal, smoskal@kent.edu, (330) 672-2312