Science & Nursing Building Opening Soon

The long-awaited Science & Nursing Building will soon be a reality for Kent State University at Stark’s community.

The construction of the 41,140-square-foot Science & Nursing Building and renovation of 5,250 square feet of Main Hall’s East Wing has progressed smoothly and is on track for opening in fall 2015.

The campus’s seventh major building will support the science programs and house teaching and research laboratories for biology, physics, geology and nursing. The Science & Nursing Building also will include a student cyber lounge, faculty offices and state-of-the-art general and computer classrooms. The Main Hall renovation will convert the existing biology laboratories and prep/storage areas to accommodate the chemistry program.

The exterior of the building has taken shape and the interior is nearly complete. Spring weather will unveil many of the environmentally friendly design elements, such as the green roof, rain gardens and bioswales, which will contribute to the structure’s LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold Certification.

We welcome you to drive through campus to watch the Science & Nursing Building’s progress.


POSTED: Monday, February 23, 2015 11:13 AM
UPDATED: Monday, July 22, 2024 07:28 AM
Kent State University at Stark

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