Building Curators Resources
It is the mission of each Building Curator to provide assistance in coordinating the communication of safety, security, maintenance, custodial, energy usage and other needs of their respective building with the various Kent State University offices responsible for those functions. The Building Curator also provides assistance with scheduling the use of their designated building via the Office of the University Registrar and the University Events and Conference Services office.
The Building Curator, being the main point of contact, shall establish a system of internal communications most appropriate to their building in order to disseminate information from the administrative offices. Methods of internal communications could take the form of memos, emails, listserves, and posting of information on bulletin boards.
Building Curators Directory
Personnel changes that necessitate the reassignment of any current Building Curator must be reported to Facilities Planning and Operations via the Building Curator Liaison.
An Administrator's Nomination of New Curator Form must also be completed.
Building Curator Guidebook
(Available as an Adobe Acrobat .pdf file)
University Policy Register Regarding Building Curators
Procedural Guidelines and Forms for Building Curators
Curator Listserv address: