Flash's Food Pantry

We understand that you need a helping hand during hard times. Flash’s Food Pantry is open to any Kent State University at East Liverpool student, faculty or staff member.

Contact us  for a visit

Brown paper bags are available to transport items and those in need can take up to 12 items per visit, per person. The pantry is confidential and does not ask for personal information.


Purinton Hall

Pick up Hours:

Please contact:

Student Leadership Council

Please help us feed those in need. 

Flash’s Food Pantry relies on the generosity of its supporters to help fight hunger on campus.

Top 10 Donation Wish List:

  • Boxed cereal
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Canned meats (tuna, chicken, etc.)
  • Rice
  • Pasta and pasta sauce
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Bar and liquid soap
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • Baby diapers and formula

Become a "Pillar" of the Pantry

Flash's Food Pantry needs individuals (faculty, staff and/or students) to sponsor at least one staple product offered in the Pantry (see list below). As they shop, these individuals or "Pillars" of the Pantry should pick up their sponsored item(s) and donate it/them to the Pantry. This will greatly offset ongoing costs for popular items they cannot keep on the shelves.

We need Pillars for:

  • Gallon of milk (1%, 2%, whole)
  • Toilet paper
  • Baby wipes
  • Peanut butter
  • Applesauce (1 container)
  • Pasta (1 box)
  • Pasta sauce
  • Granola bars (1 box)
  • Butter (1 container or 1 box of sticks)
  • Baby food in jars or pouches
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste

To become a Pillar of the Pantry, contact:

Nina Sullivan, nssulliv@kent.edu, 330-382-7457 or Marcie Van Fosson, mvanfos6@kent.edu, 330-382-7510