Hello, my name is Vladis Alimova! I am a pre-nursing major working my way up to become a successful nurse and bringing health and happiness to everyone. I am currently in my sophomore year of college at the Kent State Geauga Campus. I have enjoyed the past year and the beginning of this year very much and have had so many amazing experiences. From small classes to unforgettable relationships, this campus has really given me everything that I need to pursue in my career. I am looking forward to the next years on campus and can’t wait to become more involved with on-campus activities such as writing for The Diary of a Golden Flash blog.
I had the opportunity to interview Brandie Blankenship for the blog. Mrs. Blankenship helps students with academic coordination and success. Students may come to her for help with any academic support such as finding out how to

Throughout the semester, Mrs. Blankenship creates workshops for students to attend to help through classes and give tips on how to achieve your goals. Mrs. Blankenship said that the workshops “offer tips on how to manage your time, how to reduce anxiety before a test, how to improve retention of material/study skills, how to take effective notes, how to listen actively, how to be more confident, and more. For example, did you know that your mindset can impact how well you do on an exam? ”Also, if students ever need a tutor for their classes, she is the one to go to, so you can get the help that you need in your classes to succeed.
If you ever need to contact Mrs. Blankenship, she is available through email.