Guest Students
You are a guest student if you are enrolled at another institution or wish to take only a limited number of courses at Kent State and are not pursuing a degree.
Undergraduate Guest Students
As an undergraduate guest student, you may attempt no more than 18 semester hours, and you are not eligible for financial aid. If you have previously been denied admission to a degree program at Kent State University, you may not be admitted as a guest student.
After completing courses as a guest student, if you choose to pursue a degree or want to continue beyond the 18-hour credit limit, you will need to apply for regular admission.
Senior Guest Program
The Senior Guest Program at Kent State Tuscarawas allows persons, 60 years of age or older, to audit University courses tuition-free, on a space-available basis. Please note the following:
- You can request to enroll in 1 or 2 classes per semester.
- You will not receive grades or be awarded credit.
- Admission to courses is subject to faculty approval.
- You are encouraged to complete class assignments and participate in class discussions, at the discretion of the instructor. Taking exams is optional.
- You must purchase textbooks and pay any course or distance learning fees.
Senior Guest Fall 2024 Registration
Registration Fall 2024 is now closed.
Spring 2025 registration starts January 3, 2025.
- No pre-registration is required.
- Late registrations cannot be accommodated.
- Any distance learning and course fees will be billed through the Bursar's Office. Check your email and FlashLine for your e-bill.
- The senior guest administrator will contact faculty/department and notify you if your course request is approved or denied.
Please do not:
- Email, call, visit or otherwise contact a faculty member, school director, department chair, etc., to request admission to a course.
- Attend a course if you have not been approved to do so.
- In all cases, the faculty member's decision is final.