Platinum Award
The Platinum Award in Teaching Development recognizes scholarly dissemination and leadership in the area of teaching and learning.
- Scholarly dissemination of project results (peer-reviewed publication, authored- presentation at a nationally recognized meeting)
- Lead efforts to improve teaching and learning at Kent State University. Click here to few some examples of leadership efforts
Click here to download a pdf of the application questions
Click here to appLy for the Platinum Teaching Recognition Award
Faculty are listed in Alphabetical Order by last name. Their names are followed by the title of their project.
2024-2025 Recipients
- Ali Al-Ramadan: Transforming Teaching Through Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Tool Design and Implementation in Practice
- Sarah Andreas: Present about Ungrading Gamification at Lilly Conference in Asheville
- Rachael Blasiman: Student and Instructor Perspectives of Hyflex Courses: A Multidisciplinary Mixed-Methods Approach
- Pratim Datta: Using Industry Teaching Cases for Teaching Best Practices Dissemination
- Sheren Farag: Student and Instructor Perspectives of Hyflex Courses: A Multidisciplinary Mixed-Methods Approach
- Kristine Harrington: Student and Instructor Perspectives of Hyflex Courses: A Multidisciplinary Mix-Methods Approach
Faculty are listed in alphabetical order by their last name. Their names are followed by the title of the their Platinum Teaching Award Project Title
2023-2024 Recipients
- Hussein Abu-Rayyash: Multimodal Subtitle Learning: An Evaluation of Language Acquisition Impacts
- Sabrina Badali: Can Successive Relearning Enhance Performance on Application-Based Exam Questions?
- Tracy Dodson: Exploring Undergraduate Nursing Students' Ineffective Communication Behaviors in Simulation: A Thematic Analysis
- Jill Kawalec: The Effect of Incentives on the Use of Successive Relearning Statistics Concepts
- Chia-Ling Kuo: Creative Computing in an Undergraduate Educational Technology Course
- Sara Koopman: Teaching Peace by Using Nonviolent Communication for Difficult Conversations in the College Classroom
- Elena Novak: Creative Computing in an Undergraduate Educational Technology Course
- Janet Reed: Exploriig Undergraduate Nursing Students' Ineffective Communication Behaviors in Simulation
- Michelle Souza: Collaborative Technology in the Costume Classroom: Miro
2022-2023 Recipients
- Enrico Gandolfi: Crafting Preservice Teachers Engagement: The Potential of for Multimodal Literacy in Higher Education
- Maren Greve: Can Successive Relearning Enhance performance on Application-Based Exam Questions
- Paul Hurley: Re-Assessing Participation in the Acting Classroom
- Grace Keenan: Costume History: New Strategies in Teaching
- Daniela Popescu: Enhancing Active Learning of Anatomy and Physiology
Previous Award Recipients
- Tracy Dodson: Understanding nursing student choice in completion of pre-simulation activities
- Richard Ferdig: Collaborative Gaming as An Agent of Motivation to Increase Retention in Online Learning
- Richard Ferdig: Gaming and anxiety in the nursing simulation lab: A pilot study of an escape room
- Richard Ferdig: Understanding Nursing Student
- Richard Ferdig: Teaching the Game, Volumes 1 and 2
- Enrico Gandolfi: Collaborative Gaming as An Agent of Motivation to Increase Retention in Online Learning
- Enrico Gandolfi: Teaching the Game, Volumes 1 and 2
- Jill Kawalec: Effect of the Jigsaw Method in Enhancing Learning of Biostatistics in a Medical School Curriculum
- Jessica Leveto: Career Pathways in Sociology, Criminology and Justice Studies
- Barbara George: Applying Linguistic Diversity - Multilingual Students
- Mary Parr: Critical Pedagogy and the "Diversity Course:" Preparing for Change
- Janet Reed: Gaming and anxiety in the nursing simulation lab: A pilot study of an escape room
- Rekha Sharma: Building Stronger Classroom Communities by Encouraging Cultural Humility
- Ana Wetzl: Addressing Erasure - Networking Language Justice Advocacy for Multilingual Students in the Rustbelt
- Haithem Zourrig: Smartphone-Based Virtual Reality as an Immersive Tool for Teaching Marketing Concepts