Emerging Media and Technology (Master of Science)

The Master of Science in Emerging Media and Technology meets you where you are and gives you the tools and experiences to engage in projects with interdisciplinary teams. You will gain the tech skills you need, as well as the soft skills that will improve your ability to build projects and communicate insights to stakeholders across emerging media industries. Through our STEM-focused (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) core, you will “tech up” the passions and skills that have gotten you to where you are and be prepared to explore new opportunities at the intersection of technology and society.

Program Description

The program is designed to augment your skill set, affording new career opportunities for you from diverse undergraduate and professional backgrounds. Due to the program's STEM foundation and interdisciplinary nature, you will learn quantitative and coding skills for emerging media platforms, including interactive websites and apps, data-based analysis, communication and visualization, theoretical understanding of the relationship between the technology industry and society, and the tools for working in and managing interdisciplinary teams on interactive technology projects.

Possible Career Paths

Possible career paths include software developer, software quality assurance analyst, web developer, digital interface designer, special effects animator and artist, computer and information systems manager, computer and information research scientist, computer system, analysts, computer program, sociologist or potential for advancement in your current career.

Learn More About Emerging Media and Technology, M.S.