Kent State Grad Student Illustrates Marvel Comic

Chad Lewis, a graduate student in the School of Visual Communication Design at Kent State University, has hammered out a career in illustration by penning his version of Thor’s origin story for the latest Marvel Avengers comic.




POSTED: Friday, July 31, 2015 03:37 PM
UPDATED: Sunday, May 12, 2024 08:01 PM
University Communications and Marketing

Kent State University will hold its 54th annual commemoration honoring the memory of May 4, 1970, a tragic day when the Ohio National Guard fired on Kent State students during an anti-war protest on campus, killing four students, wounding nine others and sparking a turning point in American history.

Kent State University’s Angela Neal-Barnett has been working diligently to build up the Spirit of Motherhood program with the goal of reducing trauma and stress symptoms experienced by its pregnant Black mother participants. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation recently awarded the program another $300,000 to continue its work over the next three years.

Ohio is conducting a statewide tornado drill on Wednesday, March 20, at 9:50 a.m. All Kent State University campuses will be participating in this test. We will broadcast a recorded tornado education message through university speaker systems and IP (Internet Protocol) phones throughout buildings on all Kent State campuses.

This is only a test of the mass notification systems, and no shelter-in-place activities are required.

The Kent Campus tests the tornado sirens on the first Wednesday of every month at 11 a.m. and on the third Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.